Did you know?

An unspayed female cat, her mate, and all of their offspring producing 2 litters per year, with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter, can total:
1 year: 12 cats
2 years: 67 cats
3 years: 376 cats
4 years: 2,107 cats
5 years: 11,801 cats
6 years: 66,088 cats
7 years: 370,092 cats
8 years: 2,072,514 cats
9 years: 11, 606,077 cats
Almost 12 Million cats in ten years!!!

Please consider donating to Will Spay Pets. 

Will Spay Pets, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
Your contributions are tax-deductible!   EIN 27-0998002

Help us to help them!

By sponsoring a cat spay/neuter, you will save millions of future kittens from euthanasia: 
$25 Sponsor - 1 cat 
$50 Sponsor - 2 cats 
$100 Sponsor - 4 cats 
$250 Sponsor - 10 cats
$500 Sponsor - 20 cats
$1,000 Sponsor - 40 cats

100% of donations go directly to funding spay and neuter clinics.  

 Donate today by PayPal or Credit Card (Click Here)

All donations make an impact!

Alternatively, you can donate by check payable to:

Will Spay Pets, Inc.
PO Box 127
Montgomery, NY 12549

Your contributions are tax-deductible!


PO Box 127
Montgomery, NY, 12586 , US

With your help.

Over 5,000 cats have been spayed or neutered with our funding program. This is only a drop in the bucket! Help us continue to make an impact! 

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